I always get these random thoughts when it is that day of the month. This time when I couldn’t figure out the source of my cramps, I just shrieked in pain,”God is a man!!!” it was just too random but they say, ‘A cramping woman always says the truth.’ Fine! I just made that up! Honestly or rather sincerely I gave it a deep thought and I came up with the whole situation of how a woman must have been gifted with this so called blessing called reproduction. Once upon a time God, angels (I bet they were men too) and God’s biggest creation were having a management meeting. The agenda was, managing Adam’s needs, why needs? what needs? Adam was a Man, the rest is self explanatory. Adam was lonely, God had to start the world and get the production started. God must have asked,”Hmm… you are a man Adam, take up the big responsibility of reproducing and i’ll create someone to take responsibility of you and the products, it is a very big task and a very big responsibility” Adam being a...